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Kale Ice Cubes? Yes please!

Holy kale in the garbage!

Kale, and other greens, are CONSTANTLY being thrown away in my household.  We will buy some, use some of it and then – oh no – too late, it has wilted and gone bad.  Fail.

So, since most of my greens end up in my smoothies, I decided to freeze my kale.

WHAT?  That sounds crazy!  Or, it sounds totally genius and you will be thanking me for the rest of your life… or thank Little Green Dot, which is where I first saw this.

How you ask?

Well, first you need a blender and some ice cube trays (mini muffin trays work too)

I take the kale and throw it in my Vitamix (after washing, of course) – and add water.


Then I puree it till there are no chunks left (I really don’t like to eat my smoothies).


Then, get those ice trays ready and pour that mixture right in and stick it in the freezer!

Ok, not the prettiest pic, but you get the idea

Ok, not the prettiest pic, but you get the idea

Not only does my kale/greens not go bad quickly, but I can easily throw two pre-made ice cubes into my pre-made smoothie (click here to see pre-made smoothie) and blend away.

Look at this cute thing:










I realize it may sound crazy, but this has seriously changed my life and made my mornings go by so much faster.  No more cutting up the kale and having to blend it for 45 hours to get it smooth every morning.  It is done and I am happy.

Let me know all about your favorite smoothie recipes below or on our Facebook page– we’d love to feature them.





About Julia

Is a successful NYC based makeup artist - you can see her work all over TV, in top magazines all over the world and she has been featured in the New York Times, Prevention Magazine and numerous other publications, she is the former beauty editor for Bloginity and owns a small boutique beauty business called Brush Beauty. She has had a few careers ranging from construction management to radio and everything in between, however, the constant passion in her life was always fitness. Even when she lost her way from it, she was always constantly motivated by athletes and anything movement oriented around her. She is the type of person who only gets star struck by people like Gabby Douglas, Matt Long, Pat Riley or Kerri Walsh and the thought of meeting any of them puts her stomach in little girly teenage knots. Favorite workouts: Bootcamps, Spinning, swimming and lifting alone with my headphone on.
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