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A Shout Out To My Favorite Pinterest Boards


Thank God for Pinterest.  Those are words I never thought I would say because I’ll be honest, when Pinterest first came about, I was like WHY?  I don’t get it, what is the point.  Then it was fun for inspirations for shoots and makeup fun, but it wasn’t until I started using it for food stuff – recipes, meal planning, awesome ideas for kids lunches – and fitness stuff – workouts, inspirational quotes, amazing transformations – that I saw how absolutely, mind blowingly incredible it really is.

Right now I am realizing that meal planning is the best route for me and my family. So, I have been all over Pinterest for recipes, before my neck stuff I was all over the fitness boards.

So, let’s now let another moment go by, here are some of THE BEST Pinterest boards…


1. Oh My Veggies is an awesome site, but the way their boards are organized and what they have is like MAGIC.  They even have healthy sweets… yum! This is a must, whether you want side dishes, Vegan dishes or Veggie dishes, this board is the shiz!

2. This GREAT fitness board by Hannah Chapman called Get Moving, Get Buff has daily workouts, great snack ideas and over all awesome fitness information.

3. Well & Good is not only one of my fav sites, it also has a ton of rad boards to follow.  From healthy recipes, to inspirational trainers to the newest health fads to fun fitness fashion and organic beauty.  It is ALL on there.

4. I love me some juices and smoothies.  This board is awesome and filled with healthy drinkable goodness.  Check out Juicing/Smoothies/Healthy Drink.

5. Whole Foods – EAT YOUR VEGGIES board is awesome.  It even has veggie and meat recipes.  Really cool and some beautiful pics too!

6. Talk about inspiration.  This board is chalk full off amazing and beautiful inspirational quotes and tips. Check Fitness Inspirations

7. Another motivator.  Check out these quotes, some are kind of hilarious and some just downright inspirational Motivation, Motivation, Motivation

8.  AND, of course, our Pinterest board.  We have workouts, motivational boards, awesome recipes, gear and so much more Check it out here

About Julia

Is a successful NYC based makeup artist - you can see her work all over TV, in top magazines all over the world and she has been featured in the New York Times, Prevention Magazine and numerous other publications, she is the former beauty editor for Bloginity and owns a small boutique beauty business called Brush Beauty. She has had a few careers ranging from construction management to radio and everything in between, however, the constant passion in her life was always fitness. Even when she lost her way from it, she was always constantly motivated by athletes and anything movement oriented around her. She is the type of person who only gets star struck by people like Gabby Douglas, Matt Long, Pat Riley or Kerri Walsh and the thought of meeting any of them puts her stomach in little girly teenage knots. Favorite workouts: Bootcamps, Spinning, swimming and lifting alone with my headphone on.
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