Fit Journey: A new resource for inspiring weight loss
Monday, March 18, 2013
Read Article online here
Makeup artist Julia Dalton-Brush was a college athlete and a fitness buff for most of her life, before gaining 80 pounds in the past 10 years.
“I thought it was a lost cause, but then I started going to Flywheel and Barry’s Bootcamp and found an incredible, supportive community there,” she says. “Everywhere else around the country, there aren’t places like this, and a lot of people can’t afford to go to these places.”
So, Dalton-Brush thought up Fit Journey, a new website that just launched and is meant to provide resources, inspiration, and community to overweight and obese people who are trying to lose weight and get back into fitness. And she tapped the community that’s supporting her to help—Barry’s trainer Noah Neiman and Flybarre’s Kara Liotta are contributing fitness routines.
Dalton-Brush, however, is the strongest presence on the site, where she chronicles her own weight-loss process alongside the people she hopes to inspire. “I’m going through it with them. My weight is on my blog right now; everything is out there,” she says. “All of these fitness videos and TV shows, they have these perfect people telling you ‘Yeah, you can do it!” and it’s like ‘How dare you tell me this is easy?’”
To access the website’s articles, videos, and community resources, users have to pay $6.99/month (although the first two weeks are free). Dalton-Brush hopes others will see the value and replicate the shift in mentality she advocates.
“I tell people ‘I used to be fat, but now I’m in training.” —Lisa Elaine Held