Fit Journey works diligently to establish a valued network of advertisers to which both Julia, and the rest of the FJ writers and their readers can relate and benefit. If you feel your company is a good fit, please email Julia to request options and pricing.
FJ proudly partners with like-minded fitness and beauty brands that brings unique and exciting content to our readers. Sponsored posts are written on FJ writers own words and represent our unique opinions. If compensation is received for collaboration, it will be disclosed in the editorial.
For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please email Julia
FJ accetps gift merchandise, but does not guarantee their placement on the FJ website. If Julia and her writers feel as thought the product will be a good fit with the site and for FJ readers, then the item will be featured in some way on the site. All gifted merchandise will be disclosed in the post.
We love giveaways! Who doesn’t? We love to offer our loyal readers with incredible giveaways and will review each sponsored giveaway on a case by case basis.
Julia is an expert in both the fitness and beauty world. She freelance writes for numerous publications and blogs and would love to write for you. Please email Julia to have her write for your blog or publication.
Julia has been featured in numerous publications and on air. Her vibrant attitude and knowledge shines through on screen and she loves to share her knowledge on air.