It was 11:36:33 on 01-01-13 and I had just finished my first running race EVER!!! I ran a 5K in 36 minutes and 33 seconds in the Commitment Day Race. So, it is a little over a 12 minute mile and though some may not see that as an excellent time, I see it as me finishing 25 minutes faster than where I thought I might be.
I truly thought I would be walking most of this race. This past June, I took Holly Rilinger’s Training Camp. An incredible four week, 2X’s.wk, program that really kicks your butt. For a warm up we ran around this short path near Chelsea Piers and, not only couldn’t I make it without walking, but I could hardly breathe as I made it around to the finish shuffling my feet. I’m not going to lie, I wanted to cry angrily – the tears were literally welling in my eyes. I was really, severely disappointed in myself and in where I let myself and my health go. I left there that day and told myself that that wasn’t acceptable. I needed to be proud by realizing that by being there that day – even with an effort that I was disappointed in – I was only getting stronger and being disappointed in myself was something I couldn’t allow any longer. By saying I was disappointed I was letting some sort of defeat in when in actuality I got stronger that day and I got myself one run closer to a goal of a healthier life.
Today, I ran more than 90% of the three miles including the first full mile and the last full mile. I also ran RIGHT BY that very same path that I couldn’t get around during training camp. Ran by it with my head held high and serious pride in my heart bc THAT is PROGRESS! That shows that that short run that I did that day was part of getting me to this longer run and it will be part of getting me to the duathlon that I want to do in May which will get me to the mini-triathlon that I want to do by year’s end.
Without that run – the run that I almost cried over bc I was so disappointed in myself – I sure as shit would not have made it to starting 2013 this way.
So, when you think you’re too out of shape to start, remember you can’t get anywhere without at least showing yourself you can do something. I don’t care if you walk around the block and are completely winded, if you can visualize yourself running that block in a few months and this is where you have to start, then just do it bc I promise you, you won’t regret it.
Let this New Year be a New You!
This site is almost done, but had to post about this and a few others before the finish. To follow please click the two links below. <3
Fat Bottom Slim and I before the race!