Home / Julia's Diary / New Locale. Same Fly-love.

New Locale. Same Fly-love.


You know, Flywheel Sports has changed my life in so many ways.  It has brought some of the most incredible people and friends into my life and it has given me a new way to feel good about myself, to feel comfortable in my own skin and to really push myself consistently.

I find that when I think about Flywheel, I pretty much always feel empowered.  Flywheel isn’t only a company that is wonderful to their clients, they are a company that is wonderful to their employees and that means the world to me as a client.  I want to know that I am going to a place where the people who work there are fulfilled and happy to be there.  And, the moment you meet Flywheel instructors, and anyone else that works there, you know that they truly believe in the company they work for.

Being in Los Angeles this week I was beyond excited to be able to spin at their new studios.  To be able to go to a new studio and feel the energy of a new place was just so exciting.  Today, I went to the Larchmont studio and it. is. stunning.  What a great space!

I took Tevia’s class.  We started out of the saddle, which only a few instructors do, but I really like it.  Sometimes my legs need a little extra oomph when we start and this was the perfect way to get them moving!  This class was TOUGH!  I don’t think I realized just how tough it was until about the third song in because I was enjoying the music and the vibe so much, but it was seriously intense.  The majority of the class was out of the saddle and she used the turning of the resistance knob more than she used the numbers, now I realize that in general I am always a good 5-8 numbers above what is called out, but for a lot of the class I was in the mid 30’s to mid/high 40’s and pushing myself to my top limits.  It was awesome.  I kept thinking to myself this will be the class that I make it to 300!  I was so incredibly close.  291 – my highest score ever.  But, it was a class like tonight that reminded me why working your hardest feels so incredibly good.  Why being breathless and going as fast as you can… then a little faster, just feels so damn good.  Why leaving your comfort zone can be the greatest thing in the world for you.

Tevia’s energy was great, very chill but also very motivating.  She discussed being grateful and appreciating all the good things.  It really made me stop and think and feel grateful.  Being in LA I’m seeing a lot of friends and family that I don’t get to see very often.  Today was a slightly stressful day and I walked into Flywheel REALLY needing to be there.  Really needing those 45 minutes of hard work, those 45 minutes of endorphins and adrenaline pulsing through me.  Before I walked into Flywheel I knew that it was everything that I needed to make my day better, and it was true.

I left that class feeling so grateful for the family and friends that I have, for the fact that my daughter was here in LA with me, that back at home I have the most supportive, wonderful husband and that I have a place like Flywheel that I can go to.  A place where, regardless of the location, I know I will be welcomed, I know I will be happy and I know that I will be given one of the greatest workouts on the planet.

So, thank you Tevia for giving me not only an insane and amazing workout tonight (& my highest score thus far). but also a reminder, one that I really needed today, to be so grateful and appreciative of the incredible people I have in my life.  As you said in class, tonight when we go to bed, we should lay down and think of all the wonderful things we have in our lives.  Well, that is exactly what I will be doing and because of that, I know that tomorrow will be an amazing day filled with gratitude, love, excitement and a whole lot of kicking ass!




About Julia

Is a successful NYC based makeup artist - you can see her work all over TV, in top magazines all over the world and she has been featured in the New York Times, Prevention Magazine and numerous other publications, she is the former beauty editor for Bloginity and owns a small boutique beauty business called Brush Beauty. She has had a few careers ranging from construction management to radio and everything in between, however, the constant passion in her life was always fitness. Even when she lost her way from it, she was always constantly motivated by athletes and anything movement oriented around her. She is the type of person who only gets star struck by people like Gabby Douglas, Matt Long, Pat Riley or Kerri Walsh and the thought of meeting any of them puts her stomach in little girly teenage knots. Favorite workouts: Bootcamps, Spinning, swimming and lifting alone with my headphone on.
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