Home / Fitness Profiles / Holly Rilinger / FJ Spotlight

Holly Rilinger / FJ Spotlight


I met Holly when I first started at Flywheel almost two years ago.  Her classes fit my schedule perfectly and they filled up so quickly, I thought I had won the jackpot getting in one time.  Once I started taking her class regularly I started to understand why.  Holly helped change my life, there is something so motivating and inspiring when you are working out in a room with her.  Her spin classes are like the hottest night at the club – except instead of packing on boozey calories, your sweating them off.  I decided to take Holly’s bootcamp after becoming a regular in her class last year.  It was one of the very hardest things I have ever done – both physically and emotionally.  There I was with 20 or so others and I was by far the most out of shape.  I was being lapped by everyone – even women who were around twice my age.  I was panting and dragging my feet – but Holly made me feel like a rock star.  She never lost a moment of faith in me and pushed me further than I thought I could go at that moment – always cheering.  I realized two things in that bootamp – one was that I was more out of shape than I ever realized and two, that – thanks to Holly’s belief in me – I could do this and work hard and get to where I wanted to go.  BUT, I also knew it would take work.  Holly helped me with my food journaling (I think she may have ever wrote that she would reach through the email and smack me if I had one more slice of pizza – I enjoyed that) and really took her time with guiding me and helping me start on the path to a healthier lifestyle.  So, for helping me get back on the right path – I am forever grateful to Holly.  So, it is absolutely my pleasure to spotlight her this week…

What inspired you to become a trainer/instructor? 

I was a a collegiate and professional basketball player.  At 5’4 I had the odds stacked against me.  I had to be as fast and strong as possible.  To be the best, I had to spend a lot of time in the weight room and on the track!  After my basketball career ended, I maintained a love for training and it was a natural next step for me!

Where do you train/teach? 

I teach indoor cycling at FLYWHEEL.  I’m also the creator and founder of Holly Rilinger Fitness.  My outdoor program TRAINING CAMP can be found in the parks on NYC and on beaches a couple times per year in the form of DTC (Destination Training Camp).  This is a week-long emersion of training, healthy eating and FUN.  I’m also a master trainer for NIKE which allows me to lead large scale workouts all over the country.  My latest creation is AFTER HRS.  This night training session takes place in a club to a live DJ.  After the workout we kick our mats aside and dance.  Clearly, I live for balance 🙂

What inspires you most about your clients? 

Although I was an elite athlete, I know what it’s like to be the UNDERDOG.  I love watching people do things they never thought possible.  So many people doubted that I would be able to make it at the pro level at my height.  It was with passion and heart that I made my dreams come true.  I love watching my clients work through their own fears and doubt and DREAM BIG and go after the body and life they dream of.

What do you love most about your job?

I love when people reach an almost religious state in my spin classes.  Some have cried, some have left there moving through something that had been keeping them down.  It’s these break throughs that make me LOVE what I do.

What is your advice for someone looking to get started on a better diet and/or fitness plan? 

Take small steps.  I’m all about taking small victories that lead to BIG CHANGE.  Do something every day that makes you feel VICTORIOUS.  When we look at the big picture it can be scary and overwhelming.  Instead, think about what you can do TODAY, do it and feel good about it.

What are some of the motivational tools you use in your life each day to stay healthy?

My #1 tool is my DREAM BOARD.  I have been doing this since I was a kid.  I cut out pictures of my DREAMS.  I paste them on my wall in my kitchen so that I can keep them fresh in my mind….and I watch them come true.  I give my clients DREAM BOOKs.  This is their mobile version of a dream board.

What is your favorite workout at the moment? 

It’s summer and I’m surfing.  Talk about a great workout!!!  Plus, what’s better than being out in the water?

Are there any new workouts that you are absolutely in love with?

I’m really all about the basics.  I love interval weight training.

If you could work with ANYONE in the world who would it be?


If there was a billboard in Times Square advertising your services, what would the quote on the billboard be and who would be the image be?

TAKE YOUR VICTORY!~!!!!!!  It would be of me and my clients with our hands stretched out above our heads….full of JOY.

Who are your inspirations?

My parents inspire me.  They were so amazingly supportive of my career which ultimately allowed me to grow into the person I am today.  I’m a fan of Tony Robbins, not in the sense that I want to go to all of his events, but I like the message he sends…its about finding your authentic self.  I want to be the Tony Robbins of fitness.  Fitness is really just a vehicle for me.  Through Movement and taking care of your body, I want people to find true happiness.

Do you enjoy working out inside or outside more?

That’s hard to say.  I love being outside for sure, but it’s nice to have equipment to work with like sandbags, prowlers, sleds, kettebells, etc..

Do you have any new and exciting projects you are working on?

NIKE has been keeping me on my toes with VERY exciting workouts both in the city and around the country.  They go all out!  It’s very possible I could be opening my group fitness studio.  Stay tuned!!!!

Do you have any hobbies?

I love surfing.  I love discovering new music.

It’s Friday night, your best friends are all ready to meet you out and you don’t have to work tomorrow, where are you going and what are you doing?

I love going out for good food.   A few of my favorite places right now are Chop Shop, Montmarte, Jeffrie’s Grocery and Alta.  I love when people take me to new restaurants…I get STUCK in my same old ones!!!!

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