Taking a big bite out of the best strawberry dipped in sweet cream… and realizing it was Fage Yogurt… unsweetened
Waking up from the best sex dream… and realizing it was about your frumpy creeper 7th grade math teacher
Being psyched for the best Saturday EVER… and realizing it’s Sunday
Hitting a hot yoga class ready to conquer the world… and being surrounded by a group of hungover Speedo wearing men seeping booze from their pores
Actually being excited about eating Triscuits… Period
The truth is I am LOVING the Real Food thang, but about once a month my emotional eating brain kicks in and I want crap! Like, lots of crap. Doing this has definitely helped hone my emotional eating crap food part of my being. And, it is the most satisfying/dissatisfying feeling in the world. YEA ME for not caving and eating crap… BOOOO because if you cross my path with a bag of BBQ Baked Lays I might shank you, take the bag and run to the nearest alley way and lick the bag clean. Certainly not the prettiest image.
Do I think I will ever lose cravings, probably not. But, this is certainly showing me I can conquer them and that they only happen for a short period of time (though it may seem like the longest 15 minutes of your day).