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Big Bad Soda Ban


This whole soda ban thing blows my mind.  Seriously, there are many different angles to this argument and most of the argument has nothing to do with the question of if soda is bad or if anyone should actually drink something this size.  Do I think there is ABSOLUTELY NO NEED for anyone to ever drink a soda that big – absolutely.  But, then, that isn’t really the point here, now is it?  People can do whatever they would like and that really is none of my business.  However, most people don’t think that much soda should be consumed – they just don’t like the fact that someone else can dictate that.  It could easily save some lives, help people change their life styles, but if it means that anyone can dictate what I am doing then what’s next? Orwell’s 1984?

Here is the thing, I kind of agree with that statement of not wanting the government to dictate all aspects of my life when it is actually a solid argument.  However, this soda ban argument about “having people tell me what to do” is the match up of the good guy and the bad guy and both aren’t 100% great.  But this is what I can’t get past, if the main argument behind this is having people tell you what you can and cannot have, then boy have you been hoodwinked.   I find it so utterly fascinating that the soda companies, these HUGE corporations have completely duped you and no one can see it.  Do you not think that billion dollar companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsi have people hired JUST to tell you what you should drink.  I work with advertising companies constantly and I can tell you, this is exactly what they are hired for. So, the big fat soda men and women (who by the way aren’t so fat because not only do most of the big wigs NOT consume their own products, but most have top Dr’s, trainers and nutritionists by their side to constantly keep them in tip-top health) are sitting back right now just laughing and patting themselves on the back because not only did they get you to shun a ban that would hurt them and open people’s eyes to possibly how bad soda can actually be, but they got you to put the blame for what they’ve been doing for years onto someone else.

But, hey, good for you, you really stuck this one to the government who was just trying to fight obesity and heart disease and sugar intake as opposed to sticking it to the soda companies who are hardly even trying to and you’re literally doing JUST what they want.  This fight drives me insane.  Yes, I realize that it is the government that we don’t want to tell us what we can and cannot do, I get it, and I agree with it to an extent (& that is a whole other conversation I can have on another day), but we want the government to possibly step in with gun laws, we want the government to say no smoking before the age of 18 (or ban it completely), but let’s make sure they don’t say the amount of soda we can drink – just the age we can start drinking alcohol.

Now, if you would like to see what some of my favorite nutritionists have to say on this ordeal, click here.  Otherwise, I would LOVE to hear your opinions below…




About Julia

Is a successful NYC based makeup artist - you can see her work all over TV, in top magazines all over the world and she has been featured in the New York Times, Prevention Magazine and numerous other publications, she is the former beauty editor for Bloginity and owns a small boutique beauty business called Brush Beauty. She has had a few careers ranging from construction management to radio and everything in between, however, the constant passion in her life was always fitness. Even when she lost her way from it, she was always constantly motivated by athletes and anything movement oriented around her. She is the type of person who only gets star struck by people like Gabby Douglas, Matt Long, Pat Riley or Kerri Walsh and the thought of meeting any of them puts her stomach in little girly teenage knots. Favorite workouts: Bootcamps, Spinning, swimming and lifting alone with my headphone on.
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