When you first meet Kara Liotta, you are immediately struck by her beauty, but also by her strength and comforting confidence in the way she carries herself. Her teaching approach is incredible and you not only immediately feel at ease in her class, but you also feel like you’re getting her full attention constantly even though there are 18 others in the room. She teaches with grace and an energy that you wish you could bottle to have always, but you don’t really need it because the high from her class lasts all day long. It is so beyond my pleasure to have her on our site as the spotlight for this week…
Where do you train/teach?
I am the program Co Director and Master Instructor of FlyBarre at Flywheel Sports.
What do you love most about your job?
The relationships that I build with my clients are by far the greatest part of my job. A sense of community is created where people come to take class together, know each other, know me, and we all work together to inspire each other. Developing personal relationships with the people who take my class allows me as an instructor to connect with them in a way that pushes them and pushes me as well.
What is your favorite workout at the moment?
I firmly believe in 3 parts to my workout – FlyBarre, Flywheel, and yoga. FlyBarre and Flywheel complement each other by getting light weight training and toning, coupled with the cardiovascular endurance in the cycling room. The two together create a complete, efficient, and total body workout that has changed my body and how I work out. Adding yoga into the mix for lengthening, increased flexibility, and to repair and restore after weight training/cardio is a fantastic way to cross train and keep the benefits of both workouts without over-exhausting the muscles.
What are some of the motivational tools you use in your life each day to stay healthy?
For me, the persistence of working out first thing in the morning sets the entire tone of my day and dramatically affects my mood. It is the best way for me to stay on track for a healthy and fit lifestyle and motivates me to be active. When I begin my day with a workout, I am inspired to continue being active and eating well throughout my day. On days where I am unable to workout in the morning, I feel more lethargic and am much more likely to slack in my diet. Committing to a morning workout is committing to a fit day.
What are some of your hobbies?
I love yoga, exploring the New York City restaurant scene, attending dance performances, walking the Highline, and finding new music artists.