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Testing My Limits

Fit-Journey-LimitsA few weeks ago I wrote about my first time trying TRX.  My friend Emily, who lives outside Chicago, then kindly informed me that the next time I came to visit her I was taking the TRX Bootcamp class that she loves to take each week. That time was last weekend, and I have to say every time I take TRX now I become more and more hooked!

Emily took me and my husband to FIIT RX in Elmhurst, Illinois.  We were signed up for the Friday morning TRX Bootcamp with Jenn – and I knew I was in for it the moment we got there.  Jenn was super nice and super cute — which I’m starting to learn is a deadly combination for an instructor.  The nicer they are before class, the harder the class always seems to be! In class, we were broken down into groups of three, where we did rotating drills of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, for four sets. through three different exercises.  We did this style of circuit about six times, with the exercises changing each time.  We used the TRX bands, some sliders under our feet, and just our own bodies for the third exercise.   Many of the exercises we did off the TRX bands were variations on the standard lunge, burpee, jumping jack, or pushup – but they seemed much more difficult with your feet on a couple of sliders!  The TRX exercises were some that I’d seen before and some that were brand new to me — and somehow Jenn always managed to come over with pointers even during a full class.

When I lived in New York I had a pretty standard routine: running, spinning, pilates and barre. While my barre and pilates classes were always switched up quite a bit, I really didn’t try many new things. One thing that I learned in this class, and since I’ve moved, is that I really do love trying new things, and now more than ever I am excited about switching up my workouts on a regular basis. By changing it up I’m learning my strengths and weaknesses; for example, I need a lot more work on my upper body, and my abs are stronger than I thought!

A year ago I would have been too intimidated to give this class a try, and I would have missed out on a great experience. I had such a great time in there (even though at one point I was positively dying!!!) and can’t wait to try another class the next time I go visit! By pushing my limits this year I have discovered so many new things, that I never thought I’d like such as TRX and yoga. Going forward I am going to push myself to try new things to find out what else I love!




About Michelle Newman

Michelle Newman
Michelle was born and raised on Long Island, New York. After graduating from Binghamton University with a degree in Economics and Political Science, she moved to New York City and went to work on Wall Street. After four years at Goldman Sachs and eight years at Morgan Stanley, she took time off to travel before getting married and relocating to Phoenix, Arizona in February 2013 to live with her husband. Michelle’s love of fitness started when working long hours as a Wall Street Analyst. An early morning run was her favorite way to manage her stress and get some much needed alone time. Michelle has run various races including four half-marathons. She also has a love for spin, barre and pilates classes. Michelle is thrilled to be a part of the Fit Journey team, where she combines her business skills with her love of fitness. Michelle will be checking in on Julia’s blog from time to time to keep you updated on her fitness adventures in her new city!
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