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Brussels Sprouts – A Super Food


This amazing super food is now back in season!

Why it’s a super food:

  • Brussels sprouts are high in Vitamin A which is key for healthy vision, cell growth and a strong healthy immune system.
  • Brussels sprouts contain Potassium which may lower risk of heart disease, cancer and obesity.
  • Brussels sprouts are high in Calcium which strengthens teeth and bones – and helps prevent osteoporosis.
  • Brussels sprouts have Folacin (Folic Acid) which helps produce healthy red blood cells and prevent anemia.
  • Brussels sprouts are high in Vitamin C which helps boost the immune system, protect against cardiovascular disease, eye disease and even wrinkles!

Try this roasted Brussels sprouts recipe:

1 pound of Brussels sprouts

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste

Pre-heat oven to 350.

Parboil the Brussels sprouts (about 2 minutes) and drain. Cut Brussels sprouts in half, place in large bowl and toss with a few dashes of olive oil and some salt and pepper.

Space on a baking pan and place in oven for 13-16 minutes (leave longer if you prefer them more well-done)

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